As an Advisor, you’re always looking for ways to attract new clients – social media is an easy and free way to do just that. Join us on Wednesday, June 29th at 11am ET as we provide tips, tricks and ...
There are many unique challenges that today’s small business owners must tackle, and one is offering the same type of incentives and benefits to their employees that larger corporations do. This is ...
As almost everyone operating a small business knows (or will soon discover), small enterprises have many unique needs and challenges that require special consideration – issues that their larger ...
With a growing number of small businesses beginning to offer their employees benefits packages, the question is no longer one of whether or not to offer benefits to employees, but more along the ...
In general, virgin groups are drawn to fully insured solutions due to the “unknown” claiming patterns and usage of their group. Introducing our new FLIP feature, exclusively for groups without claims ...
Many clients have a hard time determining whether a budgeted ASO or a fully insured traditional plan is right for them. Below are some helpful tips to help you guide them towards making the decision ...
Advisors should be wary of using EP3 pooling as a key factor to recommend fully insured vs. budgeted Administrative Services Only (ASO) plans. Let’s take a deep dive into how the EP3 pooling works ...
A Health Spending Account (HSA) is one of the easiest products to sell. It’s a financial product that saves your clients money without having to pay mandatory premiums. 3 Step Selling Process: 1. ...
A routine plan review uncovered an unpleasant surprise for one of our largest clients. Their plan had been hit hard by a biologic therapy that was new to the market. This drove a tough conversation ...
For many companies, ASO remains that most attractive value proposition, yet the least understood. Working with our advisors, we’ve collected the top 5 objections to ASO plans and provided you with ...